Thursday, May 9, 2013

Cheating App: Dangerous Liaisons Get Less Risky

For better or for worse (probably for worse), cheating on your spouse just got a little easier.

Ashley Madison, the dating website that connects people already in relationships, this week launched its new mobile application.

While Ashley Madison has a traditional app that has the same features of the website, the updated app offers some new features to help keep affairs discreet.

It boasts a PIN code to unlock the app and a private phone line fully equipped with a disposable number that can be used for sexting, oops, I mean texting and phone calls.

When a person calls the disposable number, the app rings, so no one ever has to know the user's real number. The user can also delete the number at any time and can't be reached again by that particular number.

The app, which is available on iOS and Android devices, also has a "panic button," which can be used to remotely log out of the Ashley Madison website from any computer. When the button is hit, the website shuts down and changes to a "local, family friendly website."

While I don't condone cheating, I do appreciate the level of privacy the new app offers. Heck, who couldn't use a disposable phone number from time to time? And I think more apps should include the option of required PINs for usage, especially apps used for enterprise purposes.
If there is one thing the cheaters are doing right, it appears to be privacy.

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